Friday, February 8, 2013


Glutathione soap is a type of soap that is generally enriched with l-glutathione, an antioxidant compound that is typically produced by a healthy human body. The body normally produces less of this substance as it ages. L-glutathione is said to help stifle the skin's production of melanin, or pigment, to lighten the skin and help minimize the appearance of skin discolorations and scars. Skin-care experts believe glutathione soap can have a number of skin-care benefits. The active ingredient, l-glutathione, is believed to be one of the most powerful antioxidants available. Soaps, creams, and lotions containing l-glutathione are often used to help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, to help skin maintain its youthful elasticity and appearance. Many people believe that glutathione soap can help improve skin tone and complexion. It may help to prevent the occurrence of acne, and may even help to fade scar tissue left by acne breakouts.


Guava soap skin care, the astringents of guava enhance the skin texture and tighten loosened skin.  Guava works more effectively than any other skin nourishing lotions in the market.  Decoction of immature leaves and fruits can be applied on the skin for tightening and toning purposes.  Additionally, guava has high contents of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Potassium, which are characterized by their antioxidant functions.  These nutrients carry out detoxification processes and keep the skin healthy and wrinkle-free.  Guava is loaded with antioxidants. 


Lemon is a natural ingredient that has proven its effectiveness as a beauty care product. Its fruit extract is one of the most potent skin bleaching ingredients. Aside from skin whitening and beauty care it can also be used as a health care regimen.

Lemon extract is good for one’s complexion since it contains enzymes which help remove dead skin cells. It can also be used to cleanse your skin after a long pollution filled day. It has astringent properties, hence can be used to bleach and whiten the skin. An additional effect of Lemon is that its aroma helps to uplift your spirit and calm your nerves, helping you feel comfortable. It can also help smoothen skin, keep it moisturized, and control skin oiliness. Plus, lemon extract can also be used as deodorants for the armpits and feet. Lemon is really a versatile beauty product. But we have to be careful in using lemon extract on our skins because too much can irritate the skin.


We constantly try to achieve the white skin we have been dreaming of. However, because we can’t always avoid pollution and the heat of the sun, we seem to move farther and farther from our desired goal. Well, maybe, it’s time to use a soap that is more compatible with the needs of your skin. The placenta soap may just be the right soap for you! Among the most widely distributed kinds of whitening soaps, placenta soap is widely known for being mild and, of course, its ability to whiten.  The soap is made from several herbal buds or fruit buds. It is often mixed with other natural ingredients to bring out its full whitening potential. Vitamin E, one of its active ingredients, removes harmful toxins from our body while helping the metabolic activities of our cells. This assists in everything from dry skin to acne treatment. The soap also guards us from the harmful UV of the sun.

Placenta soap is also a known exfoliant that can remove dead skin cells and reveal new, whiter ones. When a person regularly exfoliates, he/she is less likely to have recurring pimples and other skin conditions. Dark spots, blemishes and pimple marks from the face are gradually removed by the product. In just a little over a month, users perceive their skin as whiter and more even.

Wounds can also be cleaned using this soap because it is proven to be an antibacterial and can repair damaged tissues in our body. This soap is very effective in removing dirt and bacteria. With continuous use, we are not only made beautiful but we are also protected from harmful pathogens that can give us diseases.

With this product, we definitely do not need to give up our safety for the sake of beauty. However, we also need not to give up our desires to be beautiful just so we can stay protected. With this soap, we can have both benefits and so much more. Try it and see these amazing results for yourself.